Thursday, 28 January 2010


You think your on to a sweet ass idea like opening the first metrosexual gym and calling it "Pecs and the City" but of course somebody already bet you to the punch. ever get there feeling theres too many people in the world having great ideas just moments before you do?


on the plus i totally did 100 push ups yesterday-despite consuming a reasonable amount of alcohol

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Trying to stave off melancholy by doing push ups

Man soon as the good weather gets here i'm gonna round up the troops and we gonna play the shit outta some frisbee.

Totally emailed the first draft of dissertation so suck on that bitches

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Day of 100 Push Ups

The Day of 100 push ups is in point of fact tommorrow (wednesday january 26th 2010)

In the course of the entire day you must fill the afore mentioned quota of push ups. You can break it down in whatever way you wish but all 100 must be completed before the stroke of midnight.

you are not obliged to be monitored, though feel free to aquire witnesses to your potential triumph. The Day of 100 push ups relies entirely upon the honour system. if you lie, you lie only to yourself.

The only reward on offer is personal satisfaction and the ability to boldly proclaim, "yeah babe, did 100 push ups in a day once, wanna touch my guns?"

good luck and god speed