Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Adverse Camber

This miserable weather is getting to me. Or maybe it's my poor diet, lack of exercise and mild alcoholism.

Halloweens outfit has been confirmed, and honest abe shall take the podium. a drink divided cannot stand. My brother fell off the wagon hard on Thursday, and i joined him, though I had slightly less of a distance to fall. I ended up trying to the spoon the dog, but Larrys only intertesed in the rough stuff. Then I spent the entire hangover trying to work back my failing guitar hero skills, it's embarrassing how much i suck now.

We were sad and played yugioh. Chazz it up baby

Then at another unrelated party i dared people to feel my girlfriends boobs. someone did, which was annoying. I'm a jealous pimp

thought of the day-Shepards are just sheep with crooks

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