Monday, 22 December 2008

Epic Fail!

Why why why why didn't i just listen to my mother and buy her perfume? who'd have thought buying for a young lady would be such a minefield. Striding around feminine shops looking at feminine things and feeling very very out of place. ah well done is done and you know what? they were damn nice slipper socks (with enhanced grip and enforced heels!) Am I joking about this? maybe, maybe not. I'm a terrible liar anyway, so i make up for it by lying compulsively. WOLF!

I saw twilight. A film based on a book written by a mormon about vampires, but really about the dangers of having pre marital relations. also has a lot of racial purity going on in it. For the highschool prom the black guy ends up with the black girl, the jock with the cheerleader, and that asin kid better not even think about asking anyone else than a nice chinise girl down the road. plus indians gotta stay on their reservation.

Also, i have concluded that God is in fact an atheist. Reasons? well to beleive in any god requires just that-belief. And certainty of something isn't really belief, its knowedge. and what is god? Omninicient-all knowing. when you know everything you can't believe in anything.

thought of the day-remember farscape? How GOOD was that. well until they got to earth at least


Be My Distraction said...

advice; when shopping for womanly things either be brave and ask for help or take along a woman friend.

also, i noticed that all teh stereotypes got together in twilight too. damn stereotypes!

Anonymous said...

I love farscape for the sole reason that two of the main characters turned into main characters on Stargate.

And yes! The vampires end up with the vampires too (apart from, of course, the main couple, but she is weirdly pale).

And did anyone notice that there was a scene where all her friends were playing hackey-sack and THERE WAS NO BALL. Other supernatural elements apart from vampires? MAYBE.

Also, the music was pretty alright.

Anonymous said...

farscape was awesome. AWESOME i tells ye!!