Friday, 14 May 2010

The Fail

In queue with the lady for the makings of a delightful homecooked meal. cue following conversation:

cahsier"Do you need bags"

Lady "Umm"

Me "No, I got mine"

cashier "Ok

Me "Saving the planet and all that"

lady "save the world bobby"

Me (v. loudly) "Save the cheerleader!"

casheir "what?"

Lady "Huh?"

cashier "did you just say save the cheerleader?"

Me "...noooooooo"

"Lady "you're wierd"

Me "...."

Course the fail was on THEIR account for failing to get it. Watching monster the anime form recommendation and after kinda sukcing for 5 episodes its starting to kick ass. here's a taster as to what it's like

screw exams!


Mandy Smith said...

Save the world, save the cheerleader is an epic quote which should be known super market wide!
I appreciate the quote bobby, fail be to them!

wirhannah said...

Even I know that quote and I don't watch Heroes

Joe said...

I can imagine this in vivid detail, right down to the glee in your face.