Monday, 30 July 2007


Well, pirate epilepsy night was...intresting to say the least. After showing upalmost 3 hours too early ("I said 10 TO 1 Robert, not 10") me jane and the stirling chap that was dave met at the station and proceeded to the ark. quite a nice place, but as always i was outraged that I had to pay more than 2 quid a pint. there we met other people with the condition that I have been forbidden to make inappriate remarks about and they discussed it to some degree, sharing experiences and difficulties that they had encountered. though i was sorely (aha) tempted too, i did NOT chirp in "thats nothing, you should see my rash" on a quick side note in regards to rash, turns out wearing 3/4's to work is a genius idea and provides pleasant ventialation in problem areas.

in all seriousness though, i did learn some stuff that quite surpised me, such as that people with epilepsy often dislocate their shoulders during seizures and that they cannot have their sleep cycle disturbed without incident. I then had to do that most hated of all social skills, make small talk. I did it purely for their and my friend janes benefit as anyone who knows bob knows he is quite happy silently sitting in the corner with his pint glaring out at the world and all the shiney happy people within it. well, on some days anyway.

we then met up later for the highly coveted pirate night out. unfortunatly only dave and his ladyfriend put in any real effort and spent the night guilting everyone else about their lack of pirate regalia. however as i have always said, a pirate is made so by his drunken salty swashbuckling attitude, as opposed to any outfit he may be attired in. sides, MY HAT GOT STOLEN. damn fine pirate hat it was too, made me a fricken babe magnet. this was in campus, where i had to play baby sitter to some degree to these people that were quite clearly not used to gong out and drinking. almost as trying as it was not to perve over daves lady, whos pirate outfit was ever so slightly revealing in both the leg and chest areas. reckon i did a good job on both accounts so alls well that ends well. no fights and few real problems.

a girl gave me her number. she was pretty and seemed nice but i don't think i'll call her. not sober anyways, far too daunting a prospect for that. clubs in my opinion, are terrible places to meet people. musics too loud and everyones too drunk for you to get a sense of who they are.

and then i slept, then worked then slept, then worked and then finally recovered.

Friday, 27 July 2007

pirate epilepsy

i'm not too sure of the point of the blog anymore, too be honest. too scared to put my really deep down dark opinions on to it. still, it kills the time that desperatly needs to be killed, so you're all just gonna have to put up with guarded opinions and hidden meanings. don't get me wrong, though i have few real convictions I will say whats really on my mind in a one to one scenario that hopefully includes drink. not on the scary, porn laden place of the internet though, no siree. anyhoo

tommorow is epilepsy pirate awareness day, where i shall make good use of my beard that I have been cultivating and make inappropriate remarks regarding said condition. Its gonna be swell though it does mean an early rise. not too daunting a prospect given work-the one constant in my fairly dull routine-quite often means the same.

A worrying thing has happened at work. on hearing that I did journalism at uni paul the builder/press advisor has seen fit to include me in various press and publicity work that i really don;'t know or care too much about. I mean i never intended to be a journalist, it was always creative writing for bob, despite the fact I refuse to identify myself as a writer. Just seems a tad pretentious too me, like an art student going on about some shitty dandy warhole painting. so what if he was the first to do it. far as i know I was the first to mix chiken and sardines in a sandwich but i don't bang on about it and try and pass it off as anymore than a nutirtious delicious snack.

On the plus side i finished harry potter, panned out pretty much how expected and was good but kinda got cheesey at the end. and as i indeed predicted-harry got some! kudos to the boy who lived without taking advantage from 1st year of all the women who wanted to whore themselves to him.

another plus is the return of 3 wayward companions. of major note is CL, the first good friend I had in this mean city. I had been growing increasingly worried about the silent treatment i had been recieving from her and tis a relief to know shes still here. plus joe and emmarrrr are back from their hols (i myself too poor to venture abroad) and with any luck we shall all be quaffing and swapping tall tales of sexual conquest/incompetence/repression (well I will) next tues. 2 nights out in the space of a week! christ my social calander must be suprised.

I also had a very nice time going back to the folks for a few days. might sound lame but I am genuinely proud of my parents and having gone a month or so without seeing them for any length of time it was very good indeed to see them. saw a whole heap of friends and have become convinced i need to get rossy boy in the big smoke to cheer him up.

time for a slash now, so later

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

I wanna spend all your money!

Hell of a lot has happened since last post. some of it funny, some scary and some painful...

Saw Harry potter wooo! best one by far and amazinlyg i didn't look like a dirty old man in the cinema as a lot of young women had dragged their boyfriends too see it. there was much forlorn muttering about die hard 4 during the credits. Jane came too so I wasn't even a lonely loner bastard as I suspected i might have been.

Me jane and emmarrrrr also had a night out of beveraging which was swell. lends support to my theory that it doesn't matter what you do with your time, its who you do it with that really matters. Not that I've done either of them, why'd i want to wish that horrible and awkward experience on those i care about.

The leaving party for the chefs-OH MAN. some details are simply unfit for a public access blog like this. needless to say it was certainly intresting and i think i've found a way to scam free drink in a big way. just go to a gay bar and looked all tired and worn. I must have had about 5 offers. So yeah, my first gay bar. have to say not all that bad. drinks were cheap and the music was excellently cheesey (lot of kielly) It was only in the toilet things were horribly...well gay. not that I'm phobic about such things. I just don't care to see anyone doing anything to anyone in that kinda way. And yes, i know I'm sexually repressed so bah. and no I'm not gay. As the joke at work goes-possibly bi-deffinetly not curious.

The party continued on to annas girlfriends flat which was very swanky. I'm very jealous of anna cause her girlfriend is awesome in many ways. I even said to her "damn you for being a lesbian!" it was all kinda surreal cause it was me and about 10 women-half of them lesbians just drinking away. then they all started dancing with each other and i went for a very cold shower. and THEN bad things happened. won't give details but i sure as hell felt the urge for another shower and maybe a metal scouger.....

work was hell the next day-for the simple reason i had not sleep finished at 4 went home and went to bed at 8. slept for 13 hours and felt great in the morn. Today at work was fine sides from the fact i caused mike to slip and fall quite hard-which he guilted me about for the rest of the day. I mean if he made me slip I wouldn't care at all and he'd make many jokes about it. I really do worry bout him cause his life to be frank seems shit. and his health is even worst. in so many ways he reminds me of my big brother. I just kinda want to take him aside and say. "look you gotta sort yourself out, cause if things continued as they are-you are quite literally going to die" it be pointless though. respect for bob aint too high and in no danger of rising

Monday, 9 July 2007

that was his routine

Been a fair while since a post. Appologies to all concerned-ie not many. been working a fair bit though and theres something about washing dishes and pots for 6 to 10 hours that leaves the mind feeling fairly dulled. The fulltime KP james is on holiday so I'm havin to pick up a fait bit of slack-which is fine by me. Means I;'ll actually be in funds for once and is also keepin me busy. Busy hands of course being callused burned cut smelly happy hands. Also sometimes its good to have a numbed out brain. quite a terrible thing to be left alone with nothing but your thoughts for any great length of time. aint to keen on some of this things that cross my mind as of late. anyways...
All the bloody chefs that I like soo much are leaving and it sucks big time. sad as it sounds we were getting fair close and they're the only people i see on a regular basis. Still, least there'll be a few leaving parties where i will hopefull get some free hooch at.
Missed jamies (brother numero duo) birthday but made it up to him when he and the folks visted. we went too the shops and I told him he could pick something under £20. so the bugger hunts high and low till he finds a game that is £19.99. bah, i'm a poor student damnit and that could have bought a good bit of drink.
Hopfully seeing some friends (I do have more than one believe it or not) soonish though it will be a struggle with work being such a predominant thing. may well mean going without much sleep but tis better to go through life on highs and lows rather than some bloody steady unwavering stright monotonous line.
PLayin guitar a lot as of late too, really need to hunker down and write some of my own shit. theres this cool laid back coffee place nearby that does open mike and it be pretty awesome if i could get myself up to preforming standard.
and theres a whole bunch of other stuff that i could write about but won't cause its all fairly naff like andy warhole-made the mistake of saying that at work when i was talkin art to art students. I still think comic book artists are far superior