Tuesday, 17 July 2007

I wanna spend all your money!

Hell of a lot has happened since last post. some of it funny, some scary and some painful...

Saw Harry potter wooo! best one by far and amazinlyg i didn't look like a dirty old man in the cinema as a lot of young women had dragged their boyfriends too see it. there was much forlorn muttering about die hard 4 during the credits. Jane came too so I wasn't even a lonely loner bastard as I suspected i might have been.

Me jane and emmarrrrr also had a night out of beveraging which was swell. lends support to my theory that it doesn't matter what you do with your time, its who you do it with that really matters. Not that I've done either of them, why'd i want to wish that horrible and awkward experience on those i care about.

The leaving party for the chefs-OH MAN. some details are simply unfit for a public access blog like this. needless to say it was certainly intresting and i think i've found a way to scam free drink in a big way. just go to a gay bar and looked all tired and worn. I must have had about 5 offers. So yeah, my first gay bar. have to say not all that bad. drinks were cheap and the music was excellently cheesey (lot of kielly) It was only in the toilet things were horribly...well gay. not that I'm phobic about such things. I just don't care to see anyone doing anything to anyone in that kinda way. And yes, i know I'm sexually repressed so bah. and no I'm not gay. As the joke at work goes-possibly bi-deffinetly not curious.

The party continued on to annas girlfriends flat which was very swanky. I'm very jealous of anna cause her girlfriend is awesome in many ways. I even said to her "damn you for being a lesbian!" it was all kinda surreal cause it was me and about 10 women-half of them lesbians just drinking away. then they all started dancing with each other and i went for a very cold shower. and THEN bad things happened. won't give details but i sure as hell felt the urge for another shower and maybe a metal scouger.....

work was hell the next day-for the simple reason i had not sleep finished at 4 went home and went to bed at 8. slept for 13 hours and felt great in the morn. Today at work was fine sides from the fact i caused mike to slip and fall quite hard-which he guilted me about for the rest of the day. I mean if he made me slip I wouldn't care at all and he'd make many jokes about it. I really do worry bout him cause his life to be frank seems shit. and his health is even worst. in so many ways he reminds me of my big brother. I just kinda want to take him aside and say. "look you gotta sort yourself out, cause if things continued as they are-you are quite literally going to die" it be pointless though. respect for bob aint too high and in no danger of rising


Jane said...

Nah, you just looked like a relunctant boyfriend being dragged along to see Harry Potter.

We'll go see Die Hard next week. :)

Unknown said...

Yippee-kii-ay! *Die Hard response*

Am sure it wouldn't be that horrible an experience, stop being so negative, my boy.

Eugh Harry Potter sucks.

Can I hear about all these details that are unsuitable for public viewing????

And I respect you highly, my dear...but not when you don't reply to my midnight texts!

Lotsaluv, Em

PS...Am back!!! In case you hadn't guessed.