Friday, 27 July 2007

pirate epilepsy

i'm not too sure of the point of the blog anymore, too be honest. too scared to put my really deep down dark opinions on to it. still, it kills the time that desperatly needs to be killed, so you're all just gonna have to put up with guarded opinions and hidden meanings. don't get me wrong, though i have few real convictions I will say whats really on my mind in a one to one scenario that hopefully includes drink. not on the scary, porn laden place of the internet though, no siree. anyhoo

tommorow is epilepsy pirate awareness day, where i shall make good use of my beard that I have been cultivating and make inappropriate remarks regarding said condition. Its gonna be swell though it does mean an early rise. not too daunting a prospect given work-the one constant in my fairly dull routine-quite often means the same.

A worrying thing has happened at work. on hearing that I did journalism at uni paul the builder/press advisor has seen fit to include me in various press and publicity work that i really don;'t know or care too much about. I mean i never intended to be a journalist, it was always creative writing for bob, despite the fact I refuse to identify myself as a writer. Just seems a tad pretentious too me, like an art student going on about some shitty dandy warhole painting. so what if he was the first to do it. far as i know I was the first to mix chiken and sardines in a sandwich but i don't bang on about it and try and pass it off as anymore than a nutirtious delicious snack.

On the plus side i finished harry potter, panned out pretty much how expected and was good but kinda got cheesey at the end. and as i indeed predicted-harry got some! kudos to the boy who lived without taking advantage from 1st year of all the women who wanted to whore themselves to him.

another plus is the return of 3 wayward companions. of major note is CL, the first good friend I had in this mean city. I had been growing increasingly worried about the silent treatment i had been recieving from her and tis a relief to know shes still here. plus joe and emmarrrr are back from their hols (i myself too poor to venture abroad) and with any luck we shall all be quaffing and swapping tall tales of sexual conquest/incompetence/repression (well I will) next tues. 2 nights out in the space of a week! christ my social calander must be suprised.

I also had a very nice time going back to the folks for a few days. might sound lame but I am genuinely proud of my parents and having gone a month or so without seeing them for any length of time it was very good indeed to see them. saw a whole heap of friends and have become convinced i need to get rossy boy in the big smoke to cheer him up.

time for a slash now, so later

1 comment:

Jane said...

There is a point to this blog, and I reckon this has been one of your best efforts - I am impressed with all the punctuation for one.

Do not make inappropriate remarks regarding epilepsy though. I will be very, very unhappy. But it is going to be swell :) Lots and lots of alcohol.

See you tomorrow

Jane x