Monday, 30 July 2007


Well, pirate epilepsy night was...intresting to say the least. After showing upalmost 3 hours too early ("I said 10 TO 1 Robert, not 10") me jane and the stirling chap that was dave met at the station and proceeded to the ark. quite a nice place, but as always i was outraged that I had to pay more than 2 quid a pint. there we met other people with the condition that I have been forbidden to make inappriate remarks about and they discussed it to some degree, sharing experiences and difficulties that they had encountered. though i was sorely (aha) tempted too, i did NOT chirp in "thats nothing, you should see my rash" on a quick side note in regards to rash, turns out wearing 3/4's to work is a genius idea and provides pleasant ventialation in problem areas.

in all seriousness though, i did learn some stuff that quite surpised me, such as that people with epilepsy often dislocate their shoulders during seizures and that they cannot have their sleep cycle disturbed without incident. I then had to do that most hated of all social skills, make small talk. I did it purely for their and my friend janes benefit as anyone who knows bob knows he is quite happy silently sitting in the corner with his pint glaring out at the world and all the shiney happy people within it. well, on some days anyway.

we then met up later for the highly coveted pirate night out. unfortunatly only dave and his ladyfriend put in any real effort and spent the night guilting everyone else about their lack of pirate regalia. however as i have always said, a pirate is made so by his drunken salty swashbuckling attitude, as opposed to any outfit he may be attired in. sides, MY HAT GOT STOLEN. damn fine pirate hat it was too, made me a fricken babe magnet. this was in campus, where i had to play baby sitter to some degree to these people that were quite clearly not used to gong out and drinking. almost as trying as it was not to perve over daves lady, whos pirate outfit was ever so slightly revealing in both the leg and chest areas. reckon i did a good job on both accounts so alls well that ends well. no fights and few real problems.

a girl gave me her number. she was pretty and seemed nice but i don't think i'll call her. not sober anyways, far too daunting a prospect for that. clubs in my opinion, are terrible places to meet people. musics too loud and everyones too drunk for you to get a sense of who they are.

and then i slept, then worked then slept, then worked and then finally recovered.

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