Thursday 27 November 2008

leather bound smarts

Bookshelves are like the intellectuals trophy room. Stuffed and mounted heads line up, proclaiming our reading prowess. "Thats right, I read all of the illiad, check me!" The shelf proclaims. thats why public libraries are still under rated, despite being one of the best ideas ever. We want folk to come into our room and look upon the volume of our achievments and go "so thats the kind of person you are" You can't judge a book by its cover, but we often try to judge people by who they read "An Orwell fan are you? that makes you crazy socialist!"

I'm proud to say that I have an entire shelf devoted to graphic novels, so ha! how very ironically alternative of me.

Bsck to orwell. Had this trippy dream about 1984 being mixed in with the redwall series. So you had the fox police going round being evil and cunning while the mole-itariate work like dogs and Big badger watches over us all with an iron paw!

Thought of the day-Its kinda bad that i get the words zietgiest and zygote mixed up sometimes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't do book shelves.

I do book towers.