Friday, 23 May 2008

the lady situation a bit like global warming. should really do something about it , but hey that requires effort. The Bob women parasitic symbiosis was summed up quite nicely last night. was out grabbing some air with a friend at the slightly too gothy Cathouse when, lo and behold, a foxy woman approaches. we gab away and shoot the shit with pin point accuracy and theres me thinking "looking good bob, you old hairy smoothy you" and then another girl comes up and is introduced as HER girlfriend. and i know, lesbians-woo-but i had already had my share of girl on girl action that night in the solid rock (they kept bumping into me and spilling my drink) The real stinger came when foxy girl says "You seem like a really nice guy, I wish I had a stright freind to set you up with"

so do I. so do I

thought of the-nice guys finish last-because they do special breathing exercises

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