Tuesday, 27 May 2008

shower tears

I've decided that theres only one place any self respecting man can cry. and thats in the shower (or sometimes when on the crapper, but thats just down to a relaxation of intense build of pressure) the cleansing water not only hides the single solitary tear that slides down your cheek so slowly, it also washes away any trace that you have failed to uphold your manly dignity.

in other less disturbing news. I. am. tired. so very very tired. 45 hours this week. 13 hour shift yesterday. and yet i fully intend to go ahead with this toga malarky. i've bought my sheet today and watched a useful instructional video on how to create said toga. there was also one showing how to make girls togas, but i would have felt a little perverted checking it out. so i did. the more you know, the further you go (on your first date)

on the plus i have finally got round to booking my holidays. kind of had to go around peoples back to do so but i've been asking for two months. i'm doing 25 extra hours a week and i'm failing my course for the good of the land, so woteva minga. 23rd june is the start team, so lets finally organise this damn sun sea and sangria.

thought of the day-I wish i could care about you dissillusioned success, but i'm a bit busy dealing with my dissillusioned failure.

still feeling very emasculated (as you can tell)


Be My Distraction said...

theres a toga party??

*raises eyebrow in interest*

Jane said...

Dave - stop fishing for invites AGAIN!

Rob...you're sexy.

Anonymous said...

union daverous, friday 30th at 7. be there or be trapizium

Be My Distraction said...

jane - im not a student for much longer - let me fish.....

rob - damn it - as much as i would love to see all the toga girls (and of course your dashing self) im going to edinburgh tmrw early and cannot arrrive as drunk as i would like to be if i went to the union tonight :(