Monday, 9 June 2008

another fine collection of little cuts and burns and scrapes to add to the patchwork of my hands. and another week of doooooom to look foward to (50 hour week) got mighty pissed off when the new guy who looks slightly elvish didn't show up. damn his pointy ears! no wonder that last alliance didn't destroy the one ring.

I dunno if its work dehydrating me or maybe people secretly drugging me (and given some of the folk i know, that isn't so far fetched) but i have being feeling MIGHTY wierd as of late. so many moments have been given up to checking if i am in fact awake, and if what i'm currently doing/thinking/being are the kind of things that merit being done/thunk/been. maybe everyone feels like this when they offically become an adult.

holidays are comin, wth a convoy of coke trucks, and i;m hoping i will do slightly more than the usual sit about, do nothing and moan bout it. but bare in mind that hope is the bastard child of delusion, born of a wild love affair with complacency.

thought of the day-pessimists are what optimists call realists

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