Monday, 30 April 2007

well well

well well indeedy. Quite well actually. extraordinarily well almost. heck give me a month and i reckon I'll have finally acheived a pretty decent form of happiness. only took me 6 months of pissing about and being miserable in this city, which is a damn sight better than the 5 years it took me at high school. Job-good, social life-improving, accommodation-soon to improve greatly. Healthy female relationship-OMFG I'm actually in one, now theres a first. like my main man jack johnson says, "this is how its supposed to be"
couple of downers, though i have improved greatly in all my various illnesses i'm still not quite 100%, and that better happen soon cause summer is really the only time i feel up to scratch. I've decided my flat is poison- i spent two days out of it and felt better than I had in weeks. Really cannot wait to move out, though hasty signing of contract means i kinda have to hang about another month or so. guitaring is damn painful now, what with work messing up my hands. I noticed a slight decline when i went home and busted a few mamajams. Another dampener on my rather upbeat life is the cold hard fact exams are fast approaching and i am far from prepared. Hell i've not been to spanish in 4 months, ?donde esta la bibliotech, pedro? but regardless of all that, right now i am content. plus my most excellent brother andrew gave me some comics which were awsome-preacher and priest. funny really, all our comic books seem to have ass kicking clergy in them-the most awesome being the legend that is BATTLE POPE-BUY NOW!!! saw a bunch of folk on sat that i hadn't seen in ages, everyones still much the same as how i remembered them and i dunno why i expected otherwise. half a year isn't really enough time for massive change. infact, as far as appearance goes, i'm the only one thats really changed, what with my impressivly long flowing mane that i have been cultivating with my special shampoo (ie soap, cause shampoos for rich folk) well best get the finger out and stick it in some literature. sorry for the late update my constant reader..(s?)

1 comment:

Jules said...
