Friday 14 March 2008

home is NOT where you hang your hat

And i seem to have misplaced mine anyway. So maybe a little jaunt to the pound shop is nesisary. after all, now gone 3 weeks without shaving and so am seriously workin the homeless image. so a shabby tammy can only make things better. anyways, it turns out that Chino's are NOT acceptable student wear (family motto is comfort over style though) particularly beige chinos with ink stains that look like splash back.

operation avoid women didn'g go so well. maybe it really should be operation avoid drinking many many alcohol. though in fairness aside from the urban liver abuse that is 12 hour tuesdays, i've not really indulged much, not even in the ever so comfortable domestic setting.

To be honest drinking is kinda losing its mystique. back home it be something that would happen at a friends house maybe once a fortnight, and you'd spend all the intervening time planning how best to enjoy it to its fullest. with videogames and poker and canoes and football. now its just something I do.

I miss home and friends and family and theres a possibility that my easter holidays will be spent working full time. bah

1 comment:

*jemima* said...

Jane: 'There is no point in moaning about him interfering with your sex life if you go on at him about his drinking.'
These words shocked me but they are oh so true.
I am a shameful nag.
But I still maintain my words- no excess drinking.