Friday, 28 March 2008

mentioning lesbians gets more readers

and yet this blog is choc full of barely repressed homoerrotica. So tuedays was a fun day. a simply fabulous playwrite (one tim fountain) came to visit the writers society. works of his include "how to lose and alienate your friends" (i could have wrote that) and "the puppetry of the penis" we had good banter and i got some free muffins outta the deal so hurrah. was a bit mashed anyways though as it was stewarts not quite birthday and was buying him and me hooch all day.

after that went back in and somehow ended up swapping t-shirts with a girl. I tell you that tight white cottom felt pretty damn good against my skin but alas, it failed to cover a considerable part of the abbed carpet that is my chest.

round about 1 am me and chewi went outside for delicious free cheese toasty goodness, as given very generously but the christain society. how best to repay their kindness? debate religion! questions included;

if you can be a good person without beleiving in god, does that mean good people go to hell
if knowelge of god is required to gain access to heaven, what about all those unfortunates who never heard about god-its hardly their fault (ie babies or people in quiet corners of the earth)
if god gave man free will, but not angels-why did lucifer and a 3rd of the host rebel?
if the flood and noahs ark happened-aren';t we all commiting incest
surely it was a good thing the devil tempted eve with the fruit of knowelge, as humans were not self aware or free willed until that point. after all in a dystopia you have no choice, and in a utopia you don't need choice.

of course i conceded that quite a lot of good is done by the bible, and anyways i'm kinda lacking when it comes to any kind of conviction. so the debate kinda fizzled when i went back for more hooch and fleshy sinning

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"People in quiet corners of the earth". Hahaha.
And. Could god make a rock so big that he couldn't lift it? That's a hard one.