Monday, 17 March 2008

Pickle my liver and ferment my heart

today is St patricks day! The history of this mysterious event is largely shrouded in mystery. it's known that in 400bc when the egytains were fighting the irish in small skirmishes that had yet to break out into a full war, one irish confederate struggled behind enemy lines. riding through the deserted desert on his taun taun and dodging rail gun campers he stumbled across a beautfuil oasis. it was full of the most delicious creamy dark substance ever, which he named guiniss. exept an evil genii guarded it and said he would only permit the chap to drink from it if he answered these questions 3. the irish man threw a pig at the gennii that he had stashed under his arm and it exploded! And that was how john'o patrick became famous all throughout the lands!

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