Monday, 24 March 2008

hurray for vommit

Had myself a fairly abusive weekend, which started on wednesday actually. Went home and of course was DEMANDED to have a drink with rossy boy and assorted crew. any news in the 3 months i've been away guys? uhhhhhhhh no. truly its the village that time forgot. then again maybe the changes are too subtle for my newly developed fast paced city eyes to percieve. then again maybe i'm talking bullshit.

so had the customary bottle of vodka and night of videogaming and i impressed them all by talking to actual women on my MSN. then thursday went back to the big smoke with my brother and his assorted crew. There was much drinking and innappropriate remarks again and we arrived home at 4am. In a mad fit of madness had yesterdays kebab for breakfast, but no doubt all the alcohol in my stomach helped to sterilise it.

friday had work. fairly mellow shift but them some dude vommited in the toilet and i was asked to clean it up. thing was he was still there, along with his grieving girlfriend. she kept asking me if he'd be ok and started crying. maybe i shouldn't have suggested the idea that he might have been spiked. got slightly annoyed at other folk who came in and assumed, with a full blue roll in my hands, that i was the toilet attendant dude

BUT, as a reward the manager gave me two free drinks on top of my free staff drink. add that to the 2 that john owed me and the fact that i was dehydrated meant bob got in a fairly merry mood, talking shit to all who would and weren't listening. we ended up having an improve staff night in till 4 am and a good time was had by all. i'd clean up spew any day for that kinda random awesomeness

yesterday had a shit 12 hour shift and a good wack of sloppy bobs hobo drunky juice, a cocktail of my own design. take one pear koppenberg and add a nice hit of vodka to it. drink and repeat.

all the modernism books are gone from the library and i have to give a talk on one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So are you. :)