Wednesday 23 July 2008

behold my adultness

work work work work work work work work work work work. And you know what, it seems 13 hour shifts don't quite cut the deejong mustard anymore, its gonna go up to almost 14. Still i have a plan to be coldly effecient and ruthlessly polite in my dealings with managment from now on. after all, clearly they would prefer us to be one big happy family where we talk about ourselves, but lets see how they cope with a mechanical black sheep in their midsts.

After many others have exclaimed! concern about all the wierd things that are wrong with my body, i myself am finally becoming worried about my health. this has been brought on by loss of sleep due to the various aches and pains going on for reasons both well and unknown. i might have to do the unthinkable and actually try and work out how to use this so called health system we got going on here. apparently i'm entitled to it for paying taxes (which i will claim back via my studentness bahahah)

me and friends saw donkey punch. better than i was expecting but then there was also more nudity than i was expecting. no way shall it measure up to BATMAN on friday. here is an extract of our post film banter.

"buy me a drink or i'll donkey punch ya!"
"donkey punched shrek"
"if you had to do a pokemon, which would it be"
"I'd do ditto, because it could be anyone"
"wouldn't it just be you, and wouldn't its face be all messed up?"
"ah, but i'd do it from behind"
"and then donkey punch it!"
"I'd do snorlax, more cushion for the pushin"
"but it would keep falling asleep on you"
"so you donkey punch it!"
"but then it hyper punches you back in some kinda weird pokemon S&Mness"

and then we all drank a lot.

thought of the day-you've simply not lived until you've sat on a toilet seat constructed entirely from bog roll

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