Friday, 8 August 2008

distilled sadness

is how a funneral is supposed to be. I have never been to one, and am dreading my first. My dad has a very dark expression, in fact he had many, wearing the guise of a cynic as he does. THIS one however, goes like this. "If I could, the only funneral I'd attend would be my own"

The point of all this talk is that recently a family member who i have met perhaps once when very small, died. funnerals on monday and my mother assumed i would go. Father however, on learning this, put his foot down and said no, i wasn't to attend. I won't lie, and say i am releived that this is the case. i don't think i would cope well with it. plus, given i didn't know the man very well, i don't think i have much right to be there.

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