Wednesday 6 August 2008

rehab. AKA home with the folks

and how nice and dull it is to be so. certainly the extra sleep is a welcome addition to my ever diminishing routine. and hell, i've even been doing some reading and writing (and arithmatic as well if you count sudoku) Plus, you save soooooo much money when you don't actually buy anything. who'd have thunk it?

been playing Halo a lot on the Sexbox live. had the lads up as well and we failed to pwn online. BUT nor did we embarass ourselves to the unforgiving loud prepubesent americans that haunt it. cue jokes about friendly fire. and it is indeed quite amazing how many people you can get to sing bonnie tyler with you over the mike.

still keeping up the lack of boozing. it won't last and I'll enter into another spiral of self destruction, but for now i feel pretty good. Also, some of my shit from amazon arrived so i'm taking it as a good sign that my identity hasn't been stolen and i still have some monies in my account.

thought of the day-this is no joke. i am looking for someone to parter up with me and help do shit like this-

1 comment:

*jemima* said...

I'm glad you're keeping up the whole moderation thing. CL